House of Lords hereditary Peer Act;House of Lords Reform; House of Lords
The House Of Lords Hereditary Peer Act quite rightfully essays to do away with the quite unreasonable but too long established practice of members of the so called 'Aristocracy' taking up seats in the House of Lords for their name's-sake, rather than their fitness and ability to fulfill a position in that exalted chamber. But what does it propose to replace it with? Nothing in it as stated. Two options bandied about are: 1), to have an elected house of Lords, the other; 2), is to continue the already established practice of elevating previously elected members of parliament to permanent seats there. Both of these options result in the derogaration of the House of Lords into a house far inferior to its' highest potential, in that by that method it would only ever be a subordinate extension of the House of Commons and could only ever be populated by the same duplicitous riff-raff that get themselves elected into that House, to the detriment of government and the country.
A better system would be one such as is presented on this website (House of Lords Reform Bill) whereby people are trained in the principles of integrity and wisdom before being called to sit in the then as would be quite rightfully named 'Upper House', having the capacity to keep in check the less edified lower House, being filled with true Aristocrats as defined by Aristotle, having superior morals, intelligence and understanding (wisdom) that would uphold and protect the highest culture of England/the UK, and benefit the country in every way.
PROPOSED TO STAND (But failed to be nominated)
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A vote for me is a vote for:
*The cessation of the sale of arms to Israel; sanctions against Israel until it vacates all territory it currently illegally occupies.
Should the UK be supplying arms to Israel?
*Help with homes - the creation of affordable land for people to build their own houses on.
*House of Lords Reform : a better idea for the reformation of the House of Lords that will uplift the whole country, promoting its' health, prosperity and fulfillment.
On being elected or otherwise, I will be submitting and pushing through this draft Bill to reform the House of Lords
House of Lords Reform Bill
The Political Pendulum of the Clock of UK politics historically swings from left to right, from right to left and then back again as the voting public doesn't find what it is looking for in the policies and practices of either side. The general public will always find dissappointment in their elected government in their search for health, happiness, security and prosperity because it is not the policies and practices of the Governing party that determines these things. Rather, it is the policies and practices of the individual at a grass-roots level that determines whether or not they have health and prosperity irrespective of what shade of the political spectrum is in office. I am going to say this: There is the physical world that we live in, and there is a spiritual world that we cannot see. What we do in the physical world affects what happens in the spiritual world, and what happens in the spiritual world affects what we experience in the physical world. To change our circumstances in the physical world, we have to change what we are doing to affect the spiritual world. The reformation of the House of Lords that I am proposing, first addresses the issue of the fate of the nation being in the hands of the general population at a grass roots level, then raises a governing body out of that understanding. By understanding the root causes of health, happines and prosperity we can all enjoy those things irrespective of whether a Labour or Tory government is in power.
The succinct manifesto above is that which I personally will endeavour to initiate if elected into office; however, in addition I will support:
*Opposition to the Lime Down solar farm development: while it is true that we may need to sacrifice areas of outstanding natural beauty in order to save the planet, in these times of disrupted weather patterns and political instability, productive farmland could prove to be our greatest national resource and it is sheer folly to use the highly productive farmland of Wiltshire to create an extensive solar farm. If we have to sacrifice an area of outstanding natural beauty in order to save the planet, then there are large areas of unproductive land in the country of outstanding natural beauty or otherwise that would serve just us well without compromising our food producing land stock: The New Forest, Dartmoor and Exmoor for example.
*Opposition to the current movement for the Unification of Churches. The Unification of Churches movement as it stands is essentually the embracement by all churches of the disobedience of one central church. It is the creation of a broad homogeneous movement; a broad path - the broad path in fact, the one in opposition to the narrow path that few people find and leads to ...well you know where if you read the Bible.
*I will support the devolution of the United Kingdom on the grounds that England is England, Scotland is Scotland, Wales is Wales and Ireland is Ireland. Each country should have its' own character, its' own culture and its' own governance. Although it is outside of the province of the office that I am standing for, I will further assert that the world will be a better place and more intelligently governed if larger countries such as the United States, Russia and China were broken down into smaller, self-governing units. New-world-order concepts of a single world government are a disaster in the making of no value to anyone other than those who would do the governing.
*SAVING THE PLANET: as far as possible initiate and support any practical solution to reducing the emissions that are endangering our planet. As an immediate concern I would like to see something done to stop the destruction of the Amazon rain forest.
*Incidental to the political objectives I am proposing to initiate if elected into office, I have for many years campaigned through my website, for a stateless system of international peacekeeping that would prevent the likes of despots such as Putin and Netenyahu from invading other countries' territories.
To have stood in this election I needed ten nominees on the electoral roll in the South Cotswolds constituency. The nomination form had to have been fully signed and submitted by 4.00pm Friday 7th June, but was not.
Brian is the author of the book :'A Good Job He Varied The Tone'; a work that helps rationalise the existence of God.